James Welling
An artist of singular accomplishment Welling is always experimenting within the medium of photography. He deconstructs photography developing his photogram techniques; taking abstract images of everyday objects and using light as his paintbrush.
An artist of singular accomplishment Welling is always experimenting within the medium of photography. He deconstructs photography developing his photogram techniques; taking abstract images of everyday objects and using light as his paintbrush.

One of my favourite Welling photographs. He likes to move away from representing items accurately, These architectural forms are viewed close up so all idea of scale or form is lost and the result enters into the realms of abstraction.

Flowers are transitory. In this image which is taken from a high viewpoint the leaves become a mass in the dark and other forms begin to emerge. The light shining through coloured glass onto thee leaves mutate the them into something other worldly.

This image has movememnt. The gels that are placed on the negative introduce a blurriness and movement. The image starts out as a photogram and printed onto Kodak Endura Metallic paper.

This image has stillness and movement at the same time with the fabric crumpled in a heap at the foot of the photograph.

Abstract or real? The composition is delicate and the folds in the fabric encourage you to look at the white items at the bottom. We need to make up our mind what we are viewing? What the cloth is covering? What the white items are and why they are there?
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