With this in mind I have been spending a lot of time with her and I recently took her for a walk and captured images of her using the Canon 300D and the Canon A1 with black and white film in it.
Contact sheet from the walk.


I processed images 30 and 22 in the darkroom to see if they had potential.
22 has a wistful quality. I have many photographs of Ellie looking across a field showing what has caught her attention. This one stands out for me as the jump just in front of her is shaped in a 'V' and gives a nice lead in line to make you follow the view across the field.Image 30 is the winner for me as it shows me doing the two things I have always loved doing throughout my life. Horses since I was 4 and photography since I was 17. The finishing touch on this image for me is that her nose has just cut into the top of the image - just so you don't forget she is a horse!
All of these images are very intrusive - they are a final fond farewell to something that I love very much. It will break my heart to make, and set in motion, that ultimate decision.
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