21 May 2010

Thoughts - 21st May 2010

21st May 2010
Into college for morning to share out the winnings from Chev competition around with rest of team. Arrived 8.30am to be told they cannot open up rooms early anymore because of an 'incident' yesterday neither can we stay in classroom to work through breaks or lunch. I like coming into class less and less.
Need to see if college shop can print the 2 posters. 1212mm x 304mm and 1212mm x 594mm and how much that might cost. Also my mate has a plot plan printer which I can use for free but need to check out the quality of the paper. The posters do not need to be robust or fancy as I want it to be like wallpaper, pasted to the wall and have the book holders screwed through it. Paper quality is less of an issue and I do not want to keep it after the event. Only thing I want after the event is the books and the holders. Will get a sample of the paper to see what it is like.
Had a tutorial which comprised Steve sitting and reviewing where I had got to. He has suggested that I think about getting specific business cards created that match the whole exhibition - this is something I had thought about and I still have time to do it. They would look good. He also suggested perhaps having a website that shows off the helvetica work link it to my own website. I could create a helvetica project gallery within my galleries but I do not think I want to create a whole new website. I know I do things fast and love being busy but I know that once the FMP work is out of the way I have to get on with creating my business plan. I therefore do not think I will be doing new website as I need time to concentrate on that this weekend.
Home to see if Mr Love has sent me his words and there was a FedEx 'sorry we missed you' card - think the book holders have arrived. They are re-delivering them on Monday morning.
Text has arrived from Mr Love - it is perfect. Brilliant. Right now I can complete books do final proof and send them off this evening.
Preface now added to all three books. Had a final proof read and have updated/amended about half a dozen pages. Will leave it for half an hour and then have a final look through before sending books.
Mr Love would like a copy of a book. I think the best thing to do would be to send him an image of the exhibition once it is up and ask him which of the three books he would like. And perhaps I can get another set printed up then.

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