Well that went well - contact sheet below. There were a few problems:
- I was no able to make use of the smoke machine that had been boerrowed on my behalf as it did not pass the PAT safety test.
- The idea of having my models smoking was approved - but after all the hassle I just went ahead taking the shots and forgot to tell them to light up!
- Understanding how the lights work and getting instruction on how to use them.
Contact Sheet - DIGITAL

The Contact Sheet shows the progression of the shoot - first thing was to get the light coming through the 'stained glass' correct. Once that was acceptable I then had to organise the amount of light that would be falling onto the subjects and the forground. Next I needed to tidy up the area around the 'window' which resulted in moving the black boards right up to the edge of the window and covering the lower portion of cardboard with a burgundy velvet curtain. I then experimented with focussing on each area of activity - the glasses in the foreground the people in the middle ground and the window in the background. I also tried moving the models around and getting them to wear different clothes. Finally I tried the shoot without the models at all.
The digital shots were backed up with taking shots using the Canon A1 with Fuji Professional 160 film - this film is being processed today and I will scan it in this evening and produce a contact sheet with the scanned negs tomorrow.
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