Quite looking forward to using this i-Web thing to produce an assignment. Glad to hear that we are about to save a copy of it to memory stick so that we can take it home with us. This means that even though I cannot make any amends at home at least I can read through and make notes for any amends and also it means I have a copy and that friends/family can have a look at it too. I value their opinion and I get more feedback from them that I receive at college so I will find that very useful.
16th September
Started doing a bit of research on still life painters and photographers. Love the botanical images by Karl Blossfeldt. Over the summer I have been taking a lot of images of flowers and they are reminiscent of Blossfeldt images. Will make sure I show off as many of my images alongside his. Must remember to put my copyright water mark on them if they are appearing on the web. Have lots of idea for the 'Still Life'. There are so many ideas just lying around my house.
I have taken a digital and back and white film image of a tap at the stables. I think they both look really good and I may use this as my final image. As we need to print the image to A3 ready to go into our portfolio then it needs to be an image I am really proud of.
The black and white image I have printed with the film sprocket this is visible as I think the enlarger had a negative tray that is bigger than 35mm - but I love this effect. I shall reprint this image when I can find the correct negative tray so that I have one with a sharper, crisper edge - but I have a feeling I will prefer the one showing the film sprocket.
17th September
Borrowed 5 books from library to help with this assignment. Found an interesting modern painter doing still life ... Jim Phalen ... will add him to my list of 5 painters.
18th September
Told we now only need to look at 5 photographer and 5 painters and find around 10 images for each. Shame. I hate all this dumbing down and less and less work - I am constantly asking for more!
19th September
Did more research and put the scanner through its paces finding images that I like, that tell a story and back up what I am trying to convey. Cezanne is rather good - love the great dollops and looseness of his still life paintings.
23rd September
We are not using i-Web now to do this assignment but we will be using a blog! Not sure how this is going to work but I will continue putting it all onto a Word doc so whatever the output is it can be cut and paste into that format.
24th September
Seems we might be using i-Web now - Steve is going to do some negotiating. I have just about done all that is required for this assignment - I certainly have my final image 'The Tap' the black and white is my preferred image. I also have some images of window handles, window fastenings, spiral staircase and flowers that I will add to the assignment and discuss - but the 'Tap' is going to be the final image.
28th September
Re-read what I had written about each of the images I have chosen and corrected and tidied it all up. Also made sure all of the images that I want to be used in this assignment are all in the images folder.
29th September
All done - no more I can do until we know how to use the blog website.
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