30 September 2009

Research - Picasso

1881 - 1983
Self Portrait (left)
The Genius of the Century - his work is unparalleled in both quality and quantity. Unlike music there can be no child prodigies in painting, however at 14 whilst at the Barcelona School of Art, he was producing work better than senior students completing their final exam projects.

Still Life with Steer's Skull
(right) In this image the table and the window are very dark and it has a feeling of barren bleakness - but this leads your eye more directly to the skull. Perhaps at this time Picasso had very little food and therefore was not able to fill his table with fruit, wine and bread. But for me it shows hopelessness. He, like me, might have despaired for the times in which he lived and this image suits that mood.

Studio with Plaster Head
(left) This is a table top study set in Picasso's studio - it shows introspection and a passion for the things he loves. In his studio he was able to exert his power and passion and this shows in this composition.

Still Life with Chair Caning
(right) The background and foreground are indistinguishable from each other. We seem to be viewing the subject through a shattered mirror. They show shards of the image on different planes. Geometry and shape are strong but we are left confused about the actual image.

Still Life with Pitcher and Apples
(left) We are on a level with the items we can tell what each item is - there is no Picasso trickery here but we are puzzled about the saucer on the top of the pitcher We need the dark patch at the bottom of the image to make sure we understand the items are on a table top.

Bread and Fruit Dish on a Table
(right) This image follows the early cubist principles. The objects are scattered thinly between the edge of the table and the curtain. The cut edge of the bread corresponds to the semi-circle of the table. All these objects are everyday items but they have one element in common they obey geometrical principles. Picasso is following Cezanne's demand for simplified forms but it gives him the opportunity to show space - the organisation of space in the picture is not uniform on one central perspective but each object is looked at from a different angle. We are looking at the bowl of fruit from above but not the bottom of the cup.

Still Life with Basket of Fruit
(left) As cubism takes hold we see items which seem indistinct and foreign to us at first - we are seeing the object from many sides but on only one plane - the canvas. Perspective is being played with and blown apart.

Still Life on a Pedestal Table
(right) The perspectives are messed up again and we don't know what we are looking at but this is not dissimilar to Still Life with Pitcher and Apples (above).


Perspective is an issue in most still life paintings.

Fruit and Glass Wall Painting in Pompeii
(left) The glass is shown with white lines and the perspective is not true.

Still Life - Pieter Claesz
(right) This glass is painted in perspective when compared with the roman glass above.

Still Life an Introduction

... still life ...
1. a painting or drawing of objects such as fruit or flowers
2. this kind of painting or drawing

A Still Life is a work of art, a drawing or painting (usually) of a group of objects. Objects do not move, hence the word still life. In the paste these objects tended to be flowers, fruit and other kinds of food or dead animals - hence 'life'. The French for still life is 'nature morte' meaning 'dead nature'. Still life means any object small enough to be put in front of you, usually on a table.

Many painters used still life scene as part of their composition:

Christ at Emmaus - Caravaggio
(left) The fruit, bread and wine on the table present a meaningful still life in this painting.

The Ambassadors - Holbein

(right) The scientific instruments on the table between the two men show they are men of learning.


Use of colour

Warm colours - red, oranges and brown stand out against cool colours like blue and green.

"Colour is the place where our brain and the universe meet" Paul Cezanne

Photos of buildings taken at dusk will simultaneously emit and catch light.

Colour has the power to link near and afar, hard and soft, coarse and tender. Colour is light, the rainbow of colours we see through a prism or after a rainstorm are the hues of the visible spectrum.

Colour travels on wavelengths of either red, blue or green. The human eye can perceive light of wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometres.

Colour can be used to represent thins as they are seen in the natural work or they can be used In a subjective way based on feelings or interpretation.

A colour wheel will show us how colours relate to each other and what happens when they are mixed.

There are primary, secondary and tertiary colours so described by the amount of different colours mixed together to produce the final colour.

When working with colour you need to take into consideration hue, tone, saturation, temperature and overtone.

In the build up to the assignment

Quite looking forward to using this i-Web thing to produce an assignment. Glad to hear that we are about to save a copy of it to memory stick so that we can take it home with us. This means that even though I cannot make any amends at home at least I can read through and make notes for any amends and also it means I have a copy and that friends/family can have a look at it too. I value their opinion and I get more feedback from them that I receive at college so I will find that very useful.

16th September
Started doing a bit of research on still life painters and photographers. Love the botanical images by Karl Blossfeldt. Over the summer I have been taking a lot of images of flowers and they are reminiscent of Blossfeldt images. Will make sure I show off as many of my images alongside his. Must remember to put my copyright water mark on them if they are appearing on the web. Have lots of idea for the 'Still Life'. There are so many ideas just lying around my house.

I have taken a digital and back and white film image of a tap at the stables. I think they both look really good and I may use this as my final image. As we need to print the image to A3 ready to go into our portfolio then it needs to be an image I am really proud of.

The black and white image I have printed with the film sprocket this is visible as I think the enlarger had a negative tray that is bigger than 35mm - but I love this effect. I shall reprint this image when I can find the correct negative tray so that I have one with a sharper, crisper edge - but I have a feeling I will prefer the one showing the film sprocket.

17th September
Borrowed 5 books from library to help with this assignment. Found an interesting modern painter doing still life ... Jim Phalen ... will add him to my list of 5 painters.

18th September
Told we now only need to look at 5 photographer and 5 painters and find around 10 images for each. Shame. I hate all this dumbing down and less and less work - I am constantly asking for more!

19th September
Did more research and put the scanner through its paces finding images that I like, that tell a story and back up what I am trying to convey. Cezanne is rather good - love the great dollops and looseness of his still life paintings.

23rd September
We are not using i-Web now to do this assignment but we will be using a blog! Not sure how this is going to work but I will continue putting it all onto a Word doc so whatever the output is it can be cut and paste into that format.

24th September
Seems we might be using i-Web now - Steve is going to do some negotiating. I have just about done all that is required for this assignment - I certainly have my final image 'The Tap' the black and white is my preferred image. I also have some images of window handles, window fastenings, spiral staircase and flowers that I will add to the assignment and discuss - but the 'Tap' is going to be the final image.

28th September
Re-read what I had written about each of the images I have chosen and corrected and tidied it all up. Also made sure all of the images that I want to be used in this assignment are all in the images folder.

29th September
All done - no more I can do until we know how to use the blog website.

Oh dear

Oh it seems you cannot cut and paste text from word into this blogspot - so I now have lots and lots of typing to do! Lordy well this ever be easy?

To blog or not to blog ...

... that is the question.
Finally we have found out how we are to present this assignment. Will cut and paste all the work I have done in a word document onto here tonight.
Doh! cut and paste does not work - need to get typing then.