30 April 2010
Thoughts - 30th April 2010
Thoughts - 29th April 2010
Thoughts - 28th April 2010
28 April 2010
Thoughts - 27th April 2010
Thoughts - 24th April 2010
Thoughts - 23rd April 2010
Thoughts - 22nd April 2010
21 April 2010
Thoughts - 21st April 2010
Watched the second part of the 'Goldsmiths - But is it Art?' programme. Seems that all they can do to get their name known and their work noticed is to exhibit their work. They found that Gallery Curators were not asking them to exhibit in their galleries then they either made use of empty shops or offices to run their on exhibitions. Did bring home how important the networking and contacts are if you are wanting to make a living from your creativity.
Thoughts - 20th April 2010
Thoughts - 19th April 2010
Thoughts - 18th April 2010
Thoughts - 17th April 2010
Thoughts - 16th April 2010
16 April 2010
Thoughts - 15th April 2010
14 April 2010
Thoughts - 14th April 2010
07 April 2010
Thoughts - 7th April 2010
03 April 2010
Thoughts - 1st April 2010
Statement of Intent needs to be in today. I overheard Alex saying that they will have a look at them over Easter and let us know if there are any problems when we are back. I asked if I could start shooting or working on it over Easter. I do not want to waste 2 weeks waiting for them to validate my idea. He seemed slightly miffed and said that I would not be taking my final images over Easter - but test shots would be OK. He also suggested that I should be prepared to amend my idea if they do not think it is OK.
Well that has really demotivated me. I have done so much work on this over the last week and am really fired up and receiving so much encouragement and support from everywhere else.
Well I shall spend the Easter holiday reading up on the whole Bauhaus, Constructivists, Modernism groups. Start writing a blog so it is all recorded somewhere - not that anyone will read it - but at least I know where it is. This will help me feel that I am working towards it.
Thoughts - 31st March 2010
Lars Muller - Helvetica Forever Book arrived. It is all I thought it would be and will be very useful. Look at p.47-reason for the name; p.99-thoughts on helv; p.65-why so successful.
Prepared the Statement of Intent; printed it off and handed it to Rebecca. It was received with a huge wave of disinterest. I waited until I saw Chris and handed it to him.
Bought a City Guide book of Amsterdam so that sister and I can find our way around when we go on 6th May.
Handed in Learner Support Fund form to Student Services so that I receive the final payment of my hardship grant. I will need this as this project is looking to cost in the region of £300. I am buying a new 16GB stick to put all the information regarding FMP onto and keep it separate from all the other year 2 work. My current one only has 2GB left and I don't want to be worried about filling it up.
Got home to find the Swiss Graphic Design - The Origins and Growth of an International Style 1920-1965 by Richard Hollis had arrived. Wonderful book.

Thoughts - 30th March 2010
Need to remember to put Design Museum into research section on Statement of Intent.
Found out that the typeface used on road signs is called Transport and the one used on signs on the motorway is called Motorway - all is good with the world. It also means that the books will not be full of images of road signs now.
Took photos on trip to Nottingham Contemporary Gallery so that I can try out the templates I have been creating. I am also trying to get my eye in to spot helvetica and saw it on: Fire exit signs, NCP car parks, M&S shop, Orange, America Apparel ad, numbers on lorries. Went to see Star City exhibition which was very good and interesting - but not interesting enough for me to want to pay £7 to go again with college on 15th Apr.
Created all the templates for ALL the letters - upper case, lower case, numbers and symbols. I used Helvetica LT Bold to start with which although is part of the helvetica family I decided that Helvetica CE was better. It is not a chunky version of helvetica so there will not be much of the image visible but enough to show the letters.
02 April 2010
Thoughts - 28th March 2010
Ask Gary Love, MD, Reach Marketing if he would like to do the Preface - he loves helvetica and is an expert on typefaces.
Ideas: Does blackberry give GPS co-ordinates? Would that be a way of identifying where the photograph was taken? Rather than Market Street, Ashby perhaps 412 : 16'0.
Equipment: Use same camera body - Canon 5D and make sure I have Macro, wide angle and zoom lenses this will ensure I am equipped for all situations but not carrying masses of equipment and needing an assistant.
Use different techniques: abstract, multi-exposure, portraiture, long exposures, depth of field.
Use photoshop skills to avoid them all looking like snap shots. Avoid parallax on high up images.
Design: Have the image taken being visible through the shape of the letter. Otherwise it will just be photos of signs which might become very dull after 20 pages or so. As I need 80 pages for the softcover book to have a spine I will use:
lower case a-z = 26
upper case A-Z = 26
number 0-9 = 10
symbols = 8
Total pages = 70 then there are 10 pages for preface and intro.
Decided to set up a template to see if the idea would work. Took a while but sorted out how to create it.

Thoughts - 27th March 2010
Helvetica - the Latin for Swiss.
Developed in 1957. Among one of the most widely used san serif typefaces in the world.
Some of the companies that use helvetica in their corporate design: 3M, American Airlines, BMW, Jeep, JC Penny, Lufthansa, Microsoft, Orange, Toyota, Motorola, iPhone, iPod, NASA, New York City's Transport system, British Railway signage, National Health Service, British Airports Authority, Danish Railway Co (DSB).
Helvetica is a neutral typeface. It allows the text to convey the context rather than the typeface.
MOMA in NYC exhibition 50 years of helvetica exhibition ran from April 2007 - March 2008.
I need to see all the number and capitals so that I can familiarise myself with it. Cos I think I am not identifying it correctly at the moment. I need to become an expert and to be frank - a bit of a typeface nerd.

Thoughts - 26th March 2010
Woke up thinking about how all this was going to work and realise that I will be producing 3 books of quite similar images of road signs - the thought of going to Amsterdam is a relief as the words in a foreign language will help break the monotony.
Need to think about how I will present the images in the book as that will determine how I take the photos. If I use digital SLR but want square images do I develop a grid to ensure I compose images based on a square or just make sure I spend the time when processing the images to crop to square.
Also could it all be in black and white - that would be a lot of film to process. Or perhaps use digital and then convert to black and white.
I also like the idea of the 'montage' and using found images. I am still striving to be messy and loose in my image making and my style (I still find this very difficult). I will collect tickets and leaflets from my travels as well as using the photographs I take to assemble the book.
Borrowed books from the library:
An Approach to Type - John R Biggs
Beware Wet Pain - Alan Fletcher
Graphic Design Timeline - Steven Heller and Elinor Pettit
Design History a Students' Handbook - Hazel Conway
Design: A Concise History - Thomas Hauffe
Bauhaus 1919-1933 - Taschen
Find out what was being designed at the time Helvetica was being designed to give some context to the world the Swiss guys were living in. Alan Fletcher uses typefaces as raw material in his art - he used an alphabet to create his iron garden gates. They are beautiful.
Scanned in lots of images from the Montage and Beware Wet Paint books I borrowed from the library so that I can get inspiration to be messy.
Worked up ideas for the way I would use the 6'x4' wall space and instead of 1 foot high letters I decided the negative space in the 'a' was a much more intriguing design. Added Helvetica to the top and my name above it.

I think I will need new business cards to reflect this design - oh joy another chance to get things from Moo - I love that company and the effort they put into the packaging of their products for you. Delightful.
Thought about costs - four 10"x8" softcover books from blurb of more than 80 pages will cost £20 per book approx. I will also need to source the brackets to hold the books they might be approx £10 each but will ask Chris for advice. The wall will either be acrylic cut outs stuck to a white wall or a poster pasted to the wall - whichever works out cheapest will contact Hardy Signs but would guess at spending around £70 on that. A day trip to Amsterdam on 6th May on BMI baby costs £75.
Thinking about the design for the covers of the books I think they will need the negative space tear drop and also the name of the place visited. Will work up some ideas on that.
Now that I have all this information I feel that I can write the Statement of Intent that has been requested for 1st April.
Thoughts - 25th March 2010
It occurred to me that I need to keep my thoughts about doing my Final Major Project on the ND Photography course somewhere. I always have a notebook by my side and have in fact dedicated a whole notebook to the FMP, but I also thought I should record somewhere the processes I have gone through to achieve the final result. Obviously a lot of this will also appear in my 'sketchbook' but think a diary approach on my blog might also be useful.
To this end I have to do a bit of backtracking to catch up with myself. Although I am writing this on 2nd April I need to go back to 25th March as this is where the FMP started - also please note these entries will ramble and be random:
25th March 2010
Right it all starts here. Had a chat with Chris about the 30 ideas I have for FMP. I have been saving them up since May 2009 when I found out the format of our final project.
We talked though all 30 ideas. I put them into the following categories:
Natural Born Killers
It's a mans world
Star Gazing
Possible with reservations:
Seeing Red
Returning Soliders
Long term/Future project ideas:
Ageing Demographic
She plucked; she ate
From this 2 rose to the top of the pile that would be enjoyable and achievable in the 8 weeks for this project - these were Helvetica and Star Gazing.
Star Gazing:
How it has, once again, become a hot topic. We have celebrated 40 years since landing on the Moon and this week the UK has announced that is having a Space Agency (one of the last countries that are serious about space to open one). Professor Brian Cox is hot news at the moment presenting marvellous documentaries about the Solar System on BBC as well as being the main spokeperson for all events occurring at CERN. Visit Nottingham Contemporary Gallery to see the 'Star City' exhibit to see if this gives me ideas. I can tie in Rodchenko and Russian Iconography into this. Something I have always enjoyed - perhaps explore the history of the Constructivist movement. My thoughts at this stage would be to photograph The people, or The Machines they've invented, or The Results of their endeavours. How obsessed we are with reaching the stars and understanding our place within the Universe. Blue prints, key figures and their inventions. The photographic outcomes could be experimental / abstract or just stick to traditional photography.
It's different, there is potential. Can cover the history of design and cover constructivism, Bauhaus, modernists. Helvetica documentary celebrating 50 years - this will be a huge source of information, inspiration and pointers for research. I want to go to Amsterdam - Experimental Jetset are based there and would love to talk to the designers there. I will need to record heveltica at home but it would also be nice to see it used in another language. I enjoyed creating the books for a previous assignment and also for myself and know I would take lots of images doing this. Each set of images would be put into a book. New York, London, Paris, Munich is a bit ambitious. I love the idea of the 4 books being the outcome of the project and the fun I could have with the design on the wall behind.
Chris gave us a talk about presentation, framing and exhibiting which was very useful. One image really struck a chord with me - rows and rows of books on individual shelves/brackets. My fingers started tingling - this is a good sign for me it is the same feeling I get when I go into a stationery shop and can see how I can use the items to organise my stuff! I know, weird I am.
We will each have 6' x 4' space to exhibit our final FMP piece.
I have decided it will be helvetica. I want to go to Amsterdam - they have lots of helvetica there - urban spaces are good places for helvetica.
I started singing 'Pop Musik' by M ... ... "New York, London, Paris, Munich everyone talk about pop musik" and started to get ideas on how my 6x4 space would work. I cannot afford New York, Paris and Munich - perhaps Moira, Burton and Ashby would suffice and as Amsterdam is in my head perhaps go there for a day trip. I can fly out and back in a day and it'll cost around £75 - sister would come with me too.
Started thinking about the space and using the words on acrylic stuck onto the wall. 1'x1' high letters from top to bottom each in helvetica, obviously. Or perhaps use the negative tear drop shape created in the lower case 'a' as imagery on the wall.
Also need to think about how or where to display/present a business card. I like the idea of people being able to take something away with them. Perhaps it needs new specially design cards to match what I am doing.
History of Design - progression of design of helvetica, other names, other styles.
What happened to helvetica when Macs/PCs developed; how did the changed from hot metal printing to digital affect its use.
Looking at the various merits of Jessops books and Blurb books. The only size that I think will work is the 10" x 8" softcover book - this is only available from Blurb. I will also want it to have a spine with information on it and this means each book will need to contain at least 80 pages.
Home Studio

Guest Lecturer - Martin Parr
Finally my speedy turn round of assignments, the presenting ideas the next day are given the validity they deserve. I may never become great, but now I hope that my obsession will at least lead to a career in a field I am obsessed with.
So next time a tutor says 'blimey Joanne don't you sleep?' then they know what answer they are going to get.
Bring it on.