Last week I attended to talks by two very talented and gifted photographers.
Denis Morris gave a talk at the QUAD and showed us some of his images - the most famous of which are those of Bob Marley and John Lydon.
Wonderful man and he gave lots of useful tips and inspiration to all those wishing to pursue a career in photography. His first hand tales of life on the road with Bob Marley were fantastic to hear.
Ed Clarke showed images from his works 'Baby Father', 'Still Life Killing Time', 'Guantanamo Bay', 'No place to go'. There were some very interesting images and some clear favourites sprang out. Ed had a lot of tips on how to approach the world of photography and making a living from it. He also described the equipment he used/uses and why he moved from one type of camera to the next. He emphasised the need to photograph what you love. Without this you are never going to achieve any success or get and keep clients.
These two talks have really helped me re-focus on what I want to do with this career and given me fresh ideas and inspiration.
Let's see if I can find copies of the images they showed from the web.... have foudn the images but the blogger wont let me upload them. Will come back to this when it has decided to play.
Here they are ...
Denis Morris:
Edmund Clarke: